Realise your growth potential, creatively
Three focused workshops to evolve your market offering and solve problems in new ways
Are you….?
a business in Lincolnshire employing 5 or more people?
looking for the next big opportunity for your organisation?
wanting to develop your products or services to match market demand?
in need of some fresh approaches to solve old problems?
stuck in addressing a gap you’ve spotted?
Creative Catalyst will help you:
identify new opportunities/markets for exploration
understand the limitations and potential to refine your current products and services
develop new market offerings that meet your customers needs in a way they truly love
learn the skills and techniques to engage with your customer base to inform your business roadmap
acquire innovation and creative thinking techniques
understand how to build and embed a culture and practice of ongoing innovation
Session One - Cohort
Practical creativity &
early opportunities
Laying foundations of creative thinking, you will learn how to empathise with your customers, understanding how they interact with your offering and what problems they need solutions for.
Research and user interview skills will help you understand where more can be delivered to your customers.
Session Two - Cohort
Specific ideas to test
and grow
Utilising data and insights captured through some light research, this session is where the ideation magic happens.
Working through the design thinking process, we'll use creative thinking exercises to generate potential solutions, whilst building skills that are useful in all problem-solving situations.
Session Three - 1-1
Rapid experimentation and
your tailored plan
We'll refine and bring your solutions to life through experimentation - seeking to trial ideas that drive results and learning cheaply, quickly and effectively.
You will leave the session with a clear plan to drive data informing ongoing decision making, whilst launching ideas that meet the needs of the market.
Who’s the course for?
SMEs and microbusinesses of 5 employees plus based in Lincolnshire
Companies from any sector can register interest
Note: Spaces are limited and companies must meet eligibility criteria.
Registering interest will not automatically guarantee acceptance.
Who’s the best person on my team to send?
Depends on who has the best ideas…. Only joking 😜
The course is designed for anyone who is interested in developing opportunities. All we ask is that there is real desire to experiment and change, which is at the heart of this programme.
What is the time commitment and format of the course?
Two participants from each organisation will attend the first two sessions, with the third extended up to six team members which aids the experimentation.
The course is an online programme including three workshops. Sessions one and two are held together with the extended cohort. Session three is a focused session with a facilitator and your wider team.
When is the course held?
Cohorts One and Two are complete.
Dates for the next course are TBC. In the meantime, please sign up for the waitlist.
How do I secure a place?
Simply contact the Business Lincolnshire team via and they will process your application
Your Coaches
As an Innovation consultant and Design Thinker, I've had the pleasure of working within the startup community and multiple incubators, helping companies disrupt their sectors with limited time and budgets.
I have helped companies gain market advantage, raise millions in seed funding and trained them in essential skills needed to navigate challenging periods of growth.
With 15 years experience of leading growth programmes, incubators and accelerators across the UK and Europe, I have seen the power of a customer-centric approach.
By starting with fresh definitions of problems and iterating quickly through creative experimentation, businesses are often surprised how quickly they move forward against their growth goals.